Bisted: Fritz HABER [work with Schmidt]

Bower: reporting on Einstein

Bright: IGFarben [chemical concern]

Cohen: the historian Friedrich Meinecke

Daniel: [Catholic} Centre Party

Dhingra: Freud [reception in Germany]

Dumolt: Freud [recepiton in the US]

Eymann: Frankfurter Zeitung [leading newspaper]

Gesik: Schumpeter, creative destruction

Herbers: Keynes [Economic Conaequences of the Peace]

Jansky:Political Economist Friedrich von Hayek [and German inflation] or the German Social Democratic Party.

Krakow: ??

Luiz: Gropius

MacGonegal : NYT on Weiman inflation; how was it reported?

Pitcher: rentenmark

Schmidt:: work with Bisted on Haber.

Smits: work with Tran on Otto Diels

Tran: Otto Diels [biochemist]

Young: Bauhaus

Willson-Gish [work with Gesik on Schumpeter]